“There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so." Hamlet, Shakespeare
Jungian Analysis
Analytical depth therapy according to Carl Jung
Jungian analysis is a form of psychotherapy that focuses on experiencing and becoming aware of unconscious processes and hidden parts of the personality in order to promote balance and wholeness. It puts you in touch with your inner world and own nature and connects you with your roots. This enables you to live from your intuition and your own values and become the person you are in your essence.
As Jungian Analyst I work in a depth psychological orientation in which dreams, symbols and other expressions of the unconscious are explored for their dynamic value and meaning. A session involves body work, dream analysis, active imagination and creative techniques for depicting inner processes. Awareness of the breath as a life stream establishes a lasting and strong connection with the body. The body plays an important role in the sessions both as a carrier of stored feelings and emotions and as a source of images. In experiencing that which reveals itself, I help make contact with deeper layers of the psyche. Here often lie collective and ancestral contents that tell us why we are the way we are.
Exploring yourself gives you great strength, a steady presence in the world and a vibrancy even in the face of difficulties.
Can you imagine that the answers and solutions lie within yourself? Also the paths you seek and the signposts? Does working with your dreams seem valuable and important to you as an entrance to your deeper being?
Then I would love to welcome you to my practice.
Please find below what the therapy is suitable for, some testimonials, as well as contact information.
Just as the acorn contains the entire secret of the oak tree, every human being also has at its core the knowledge about oneself: the structures from which one's creative capacity for growth and one's connectedness to the cosmos speak and a sense of purpose that seeks fulfilment. We know very little of ourselves; much of our personality is hidden and lies forgotten, denied or still unacknowledged in our depths. It expresses itself in various ways, including symbolically through the numinous images of our dreams. When we get in touch with what these energetic and life-bearing images want to tell us, we meet ourselves. Contact with the Unconscious as a source of knowing, power and life energy opens up unprecedented possibilities for growth.
Specifically this form of therapy can help in times of transitions, with all forms of fears and phobias, behavioural and personality disorders, themes around identity, life and death, blockage of one's own powers, depression, feelings of dejection or agitation, stress, powerlessness, emptiness and lacking sense of meaning, burn-out, fatigue, physically unexplainable symptoms, HSP, post-traumatic disorders and trauma processing.
This form of therapy can also be a revelation in exceptional borderline situations such as out-of-body experiences, light experiences and near-death experiences, mainly by working with symbolism and terms like soul, consciousness, incarnation and heaven and earth.
"Arriving at Martina,
literally means 'landing' for me,
landing in my self.
Like the hurricane that life sometimes feels to me
in terms of thoughts, emotions, events, people and challenges
can calm down again
and that I can look at everything from both inside and outside
my dreams, my feelings, my desires
and even deeper
she leads me to where the true treasure is hidden,
sometimes deep under the earth,
or actually I do it myself,
she is like my lantern that helps me see the signposts.
My inner treasure
which I then find and embody
is the result of daring to walk down those dark cellar stairs
hand in hand with her wisdom and trust
discovering that there in the darkness
is also running clear water or strong roots
where I feel supported by life, my ancestors.
Steadily I step back into the world with courage, inner peace and life force.
I experience Martina as deep, soft, clear, wise, with eagles vision and a powerful guide between the worlds
so that in my earthly existence I can dance with the spiritual world and come home to both,
magically and grounded."
"Martina has a warm, safe and focused way of working. She is completely attuned to what surfaces in her client and then gently takes the client by the hand through their own process. There is no pre-conceived plan, nothing that really "needs" to happen, but all the more that happens. I find these are very special encounters and in the three sessions I have now done I have encountered themes that never before surfaced in such clear images."
Martina Strusny
For a long time, I followed a deep inner longing for truth. I searched outside myself until life asked me to look within. Living through insights, images, feelings, dreams and daydreams gave me deep experiences and insights about myself and the life I am part of. I entered a process of diving into myself and experiencing the unknown potential of my shadow and unconscious. I explored the ways I had been shaped by family patterns, life circumstances and the culture I grew up in, reliving so much forgotten potential of my being that had been lost through adaptation. I understood that true freedom comes only when you know yourself and stop remaining dependent and unconsciously connected through the projection of emotionally charged contents onto other people. We all try to stand out from the crowd and be individual. But only when we discover that we humans not only share the same physical structure, but that the human psyche with its (arche)typical characteristics also represents an ancient and common structure to which we are connected through everything, when we experience this in ourselves, only then do we become truly unique. This is where the magic of Jung begins....
Martina Strusny
Jungian Analysis en dephtherapy
Sint Jorisveld 1
2023 GD Haarlem
The Netherlands
I give sessions in Haarlem (NL) or online via Skype.
The cost of a treatment is 75 euros. If you live in the Netherlands and your health insurance covers "alternative healing methods", you can get a large part of the costs for the treatment reimbursed. Please indicate to them whether you make use of counselling or psychosocial therapy.
I am a member of the professional association for depth therapists and am listed on the quality register for skilled therapists in complementary care (RBCZ).